"What's Your Story?" with Hannah and Stephani

Sexual Abuse Task Force

Stephani Cook and Hannah Conway Episode 131

Sexual Abuse in the Church & SBC Sexual Abuse Task Force…

 Words fail us…

Sometimes there are topics where we find ourselves needing to simply be quiet, listen, ask a few questions, and learn. 

 This is one of those episodes.

 As a word of caution, this conversation is heavy yet hopeful, but it may not be something for younger ears. This episode might also be triggering for anyone who has experienced sexual abuse. However, we believe this is an important and necessary conversation. We pray it promotes healing and brings glory to God.

 As you listen, consider these questions:

 1.     What is my role or how does God want me to respond to this information? Does He want me to do anything?

2.     How can we listen more and learn more? 

3.     How can we do a better job of creating a safe place for abuse victims in our churches? What resources or systems in place do we have?

 Listen wherever you get your podcasts or use the link in our profile. 

And as always, we'd love if you'd share this episode with your friends and/or leave us a review. Thank you!


 1.     Resources for Caring for Survivors https://www.sataskforce.net/downloads-1

2.     Voices Conference: The Healing Journey | https://www.eventbrite.com/e/voices-conference-the-healing-journey-tickets-410629813827?aff=erelexpmlt

3.     "From the Voices of Domestic Sex Trafficking Survivors: Photographic Expressions of Complex Trauma and Posttraumatic Growth"  www.voicesofsurvivorsproject.com

4.     "Understanding Complex Trauma and Post-Traumatic Growth in Survivors of Sex Trafficking: Foregrounding Women's Voices for Effective Care and Prevention" (Routledge Research in Women's Mental Health)  (available on Routledge website, amazon, Barnes and Noble, Google, etc)

5.     Liz Evan legislature | https://www.facebook.com/njs.6813/videos/10164961517570562/


About Our Guests

Dr. Heather Evans

Dr. Heather Evans is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with a counseling

practice in Pennsylvania, with over 20 years’ experience, specializing in sexual trauma. Heather has authored two books from her research on complex trauma and posttraumatic growth in sex trafficking survivors. She is Co-Founder of Valley Against Sex Trafficking and adjunct professor of Global Trauma Recovery Institute.




Twitter: @drheatherevans @voicessurvived.com

Facebook:  Dr. Heather Evans, LCSW ; Voices of Survivors Project

Instagram: Voices of Survivors Project


Liz Evan

Liz Evan is an attorney in Nashville, Tennessee. She spearheaded legislation in Tennessee to criminalize clergy sexual abuse of adults, which was signed into law in June 2021.  Subsequently, Dr. Ed Litton appointed her to the Sexual Abuse Task Force overseeing the third-party

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To connect with Hannah visit http://www.hannahrconway.com

To connect with Stephani visit http://www.stephanicook.org

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